Andrea Hopper, LMT, CCT

Andrea has been providing massage therapy for 10 years and absolutely loves what she does. Throughout that time, she has trained in a wide variety of modalities and treated hundreds of clients from all walks of life. This experience has given rise to a completely unique integrative style of therapeutic massage that benefits everyone. Each of us has a very different story and that needs to be reflected in the way we receive treatment. Her individualized approach to your sessions will leave you feeling at ease, comfortable, and on your way to healing.

Modalities include; Certified Cupping Therapy, Deep Tissue Massage, Ashiatsu Deep Feet Bar Therapy, Personal injury, (motor vehicle accident or work related injury recovery L&I) Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Myofascial Release, Neuromuscular/PNF Techniques, Trigger point and Tender point alleviation, Clinical Massage for a specific pathology (ex. Chronic headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, post operative scar tissue realignment, athletic injury, body re-balancing) Stretching, Relaxation/Swedish Massage, Aromatherapy, Hot Stone Massage, Cryotherapy and Thermotherapies.

Contact Andrea by sending a text to:


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We are looking for a Reiki Practitioner

Reiki is an ancient natural healing treatment used to assist in healing and promoting overall balance within the body. It is administered by a Certified Reiki Practitioner by using gentle, noninvasive touch to influence and support the body’s natural energy flow. Reiki is offered to a fully-clothed client through hands off, or hands on, gentle touch. Clients have reported less anxiety and pain plus more energy and restful sleep. Reiki does not replace medical treatment, but can be a good complement to healing and stress relief.

Contact Dawn if interested in practicing at Free Range